“If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” We are told this time and time again in life, and while it is true to some extent, there are times this rule doesn’t apply. How do you know when to let things be and when to switch them up, particularly in regards to your business?
Not to worry, after 20+ years in the industry, we’re able to confidently give you the answer to that and more. Below is a collection of ten signs it’s time to switch up your marketing, pronto.
- You don’t know who your target market is. Without understanding who it is exactly that you’re trying to appeal to, it’s impossible to know where to allocate your resources. You need to really define your target market and then re-evaluate your methods to ensure they’re working.
- Your only marketing activity is costly. With social media, SEO, blogging and guerrilla marketing opportunities there is no reason that 100% of your marketing should be costing you money. Sure, spending money on advertising or online promotions is still viable, but it shouldn’t be your entire method. If this is you it’s time to re-evaluate.
- You don’t have any strategies in place. If you’re just randomly selecting different marketing methods to use without a plan then it’s not likely you’ll receive a huge return on your investment (whether that is time or money). You need to develop strategies in order to gain results.
- You aren’t measuring your results. If you’re not using Google Analytics, Facebook Insights or tracking your results at all then it’s impossible to understand what is and isn’t working—an essential element to success marketing tactics.
- You only advertise when there is a slump in your business. If you don’t think about marketing your business until your slow season and you’re simply operating in a reactive manner then you’re missing out on the true power of marketing. Being proactive will help you minimise the natural ebbs and flows of business to create a more sustainable structure.
- You don’t have a digital presence. There was a time when we were all pretty sceptical about this whole, ‘internet’ thing…many, many, years ago. Now it’s pretty clear it’s here to stay and the good news? It’s one of the most cost-effective methods around! It’s time to explore the digital sphere if you’re not already.
- You don’t have a Facebook page or LinkedIn account. Whilst there are plenty of social media platforms to explore (and we highly encourage it), the two most important are Facebook and LinkedIn. Facebook is widely the most used platforms and one of the simplest ways to connect with your target market while LinkedIn helps you establish your business’ legitimacy.
- Everyone in your business has a different way of expressing what you do. If you don’t have a strong brand message and if everyone within the business is on a different page then it’s impossible for your potential customers to understand what you’re all about. This really should be addressed immediately.
- You haven’t updated any of your marketing in more than two years. Realistically, in order to stay on top of the latest marketing trends you should be analysing things on a monthly basis, but we know that’s not likely. If it’s been years and not months since you’ve looked at your marketing then it’s probably time.
- You’re youngest employees keep making suggestions you haven’t heard of. Not sure what your 16-year-old barista is talking about when she talks about SnapChat, Pinterest or Vimeo? That’s okay, but it probably means you could use a bit of a refresher on the latest trends to ensure you keep resonating with your target market. Sometimes our newest employees are brimming with fresh ideas and perspectives on your business. It’s always a good idea to hear them out even if Pinterest does just sound like a virtual pin board. FYI it is, and it works.
Visit our blog posts for more tips on how to strengthen your marketing strategy.