For most businesses, the holidays tend to be their busiest time of the year and usually they are the most profitable. People are willing to spend to have a good time and create great memories. So it’s crucial to get the marketing right down to a tee to drive those sales.
Here are 7 digital marketing tips to get your business holiday ready.
1. Market early
Last year 48% of Aussies did their Christmas shopping in November. So it’s best to start marketing your brand weeks or even months before the Christmas frenzy. It’s best to set your goals, create a strategy and plan out a timeline. Your posts should reflect the holiday spirit, so post often and automate where you can through native scheduling.
2. Write laser-focused emails
To stand out amongst the flood of emails that prospects receive, it’s important that you write a subject line that’ll hook its teeth into customers. Make sure each email is proofread and test emails are sent to optimise your open rates. It’s best to stagger emails at different times to maximise visibility.
3. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly
A whopping 91% of online shoppers purchased through a mobile device in 2019. To maximise conversion rates, your website needs to be mobile-friendly. This means having a user-friendly navigation menu (such as the hamburger), large CTAs, quick site speed, and having a readable typeface and font, just to name a few.
4. Market across multiple platforms and highlight gift-able items in your ads
Not surprisingly, 26% of Aussies used Facebook as an inspiration for their Christmas retail purchases in 2019.
Have you ever seen an ad pop-up for a really thoughtful gift that you would never have thought to get for your loved ones? Do you ever just click on it and buy it when you see it because you don’t want to pass up the opportunity? Well, you’re in the same boat as most Australians.
A staggering 73% of Aussies don’t have a gift budget! So take advantage of that and invest in a little paid advertising to get your product or service out there.
5. Level up your eCommerce site
Level up your digital marketing by levelling up your website. Get your site in the festive spirit by giving it a little Christmas theme redesign, but be sure that it remains on-brand and does not clash with your corporate colours. Update your website copy to reflect commonly searched for phrases around this time of year. Such phrases include, ‘best gifts to buy mothers’ or ‘popular Christmas gifts for dad’.
6. Leverage your positive reviews
Put your best reviews and positive ratings at the forefront of your sales on your landing page and social posts. Promote testimonials you receive on your site. People want to know the gifts they are offering are of great quality and service. These are highly frequented, highly trusted and the best way to leverage these reviews is to respond to them directly on the site they were posted.
7. Offer dynamic deals or specials
Consider offering ongoing deals that your customers can take advantage of throughout the holiday period – this will set you apart from your competitors. For example, you could offer a different deal for the 12 days leading up to Christmas and even extend these into the New Year. You could also send exclusive offers to email recipients to encourage your audience to sign-up for your mailing list.
Get your business holiday ready!
For help on how to get your business holiday-ready with digital marketing, contact our intelligent creative team today!